The control of prices for products and medical goods during quarantine started

The control of prices for products and medical goods during quarantine started

The control of prices for products and medical goods during quarantine started

On May 18, 2020, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №341 of April 22, 2020 came into force, in which the list of anti-epidemic goods and the list of goods of significant social significance were developed and approved pursuant to the Law of March 30, 2020 № 540-IX , and according to the Law “On Prices and Pricing” provided state regulation of prices for medicines, medical and anti-epidemic products, as well as goods of significant social significance by declaring changes in retail prices on the website of the State Food and Consumer Services.

In accordance with the Procedure established by the Law №341 of 22.04.2020, the change of retail prices (including VAT) for each separate type of goods, regardless of the type of its packaging, weight (volume) of a unit of goods, dosage is subject to mandatory declaration. , release form and any other features.

Exceptions are goods, the type of packaging of which is defined in the list of goods of significant social significance, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 22, 2020 N 341.

Regarding declaration:
Declaration of changes in retail prices is introduced in the event of an increase in price, compared to the price on the date of entry into force of this resolution or the previously declared price:

  • 15% or more – 30 days before the application;
  • 10% or more, but less than 15% – 14 days before the application;
  • 5% or more but less than 10% – three days prior to application, excluding the day of declaration.

The declaration will be made by the business entity in case of increase of the retail price of the goods (except for cases of price increase due to expiration of the discount or price reduction) through the official website of the State Food and Consumer Service using a qualified electronic signature, link: https://price.consumer.

After entering the information through the office, the information is automatically entered into the register of retail prices for goods, at the link
The full list of goods, the list of information for declaring a change in the retail price, and the text of Resolution №341 of 22.04.2020, can be found at:п

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